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Health Survey Update!!

Italian Greyhound Club Health News
The Italian Greyhound Active Health Project was launched in 2018 to provide a current picture of the health of Italian Greyhounds in the UK, with plans to carry out regular research.
We’re excited to share that the 2025 Breed Health Survey closed on 31 January 2025
with an incredible 284 responses!
A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to participate
- your input is invaluable in helping us build a comprehensive picture of the health status of Italian Greyhounds today.
The information gathered allows us to identify key recurring health issues,
supporting Italian Greyhounds and their owners affected by these conditions.
It also helps us educate breeders on reducing the risk of passing on health concerns to future generations. Our work is ongoing, and we’re committed to running a Breed Health Survey approximately every two years to inform and update our action plan as necessary.
The responses to the 2025 survey are currently being assessed,
and we’re looking forward to sharing the results!
A detailed report will be produced for the Italian Greyhound Club committee and will also be available to the wider community via our website in the Spring.
Your continued support is vital in safeguarding the future health and well-being
of our beloved breed - we couldn’t do it without you!
Breed Health Coordinator: Joanne Liddy

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The following article is important for Italian Greyhound owners to read:
The Italian Greyhounds and flea & tick prevention

Italian Greyhounds and Flea & Tick Prevention/Treatment
Italian Greyhounds have the smoothest of fine silky coats and are not prone to either flea infestation or tick bites.
Regular washing of pet bedding and general household cleanliness will keep fleas at bay.
However, it sadly now seems to be the norm for Veterinary Surgeons to routinely prescribe flea and tick prevention treatment.
But do you realise that permanent damage can be caused to your sensitive fine skinned IG by these previously "believed to be innocuous" "Spot on" products?
The advent of easy to use "Spot-on" products has made flea and tick prevention convenient for many pet owners; certain ticks can carry dangerous diseases making all responsible pet owners extra careful with our preventative routine.
Many Vets will tell clients that the majority of these products are harmless and safe, but evidence now shows that both the "‘active" and some "inactive" ingredients in the Spot-on preparations have been linked to serious health effects particularly in Italian Greyhounds.
If these products are toxic to bugs, they’re toxic to your IG and they can affect it's brain and nervous system (a special consideration in young puppies – and not least for any children who pet them – as both have developing nervous systems).

The drugs work by paralysing or killing the bugs – so they are neurotoxic.
Fipronil – the active ingredient in Frontline remains in the IG’s system with the potential for nervous system and thyroid toxicity. Tests on Laboratory animals resulted in thyroid cancer and altered thyroid hormones, liver and kidney toxicity, reduced fertility and convulsions.
Information given out by Frontline creates the impression that the product merely stays in the oil glands of the skin, but studies have showed that in fact,
it does enter the body and the organ system
Imidacloprid – the active ingredient in Advantage has been found to increase cholesterol levels in dogs, cause thyroid lesions, create liver toxicity, and has the potential for damaging the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, adrenal glands and brain.
As a neurotoxin, it can cause incoordination along with laboured breathing and muscle weakness.
When the drug was tested after its introduction in 1994, researchers found an increase in the frequency of birth defects when it was tested on rats, mice and dogs.
Pyrethrins – the naturally occurring compounds from the Chrysanthemum plant and pyrethroids, the synthetic counterpart are thought to be less hazardous than other tick and flea preventative ingredients.
However, over a 5-year period there were at least 1,600 pet deaths related to Spot-on treatments with the afore mentioned ingredients. Which was nearly double the reported fatality linked to flea treatments without pyrethroids.

There are alternative measures that can safely be taken to prevent flea infestation.
Garlic Oil Capsules which can be purchased from most supermarkets or health food stores. Give one capsule daily in their food. This makes the IG’s skin environment unpleasant for fleas or Harvest mites.
Neem Oil made from the seeds of the Indian neem tree, a powerful parasite repellent as well as being antibacterial and antifungal.
It can be used as a food supplement or dabbed on your IG it will stop fleas latching on.
More details and other natural remedies on
Lavender Oil – prevention

You will need to ensure that the fleas are not living in the pet’s bedding and in carpets. Bedding can be washed; carpets and furniture sprayed with a mixture of pure lavender oil and water. Add a few drops of neat Lavender Oil to a sprayer containing water. Shake and spray carpets and furnishings.
"Flea-Free3" Insecticide
A natural, organic and ethically sourced, food grade diatomaceous earth with added neem leaf powder and whole, powdered yarrow herb. Apply to your dog’s bedding or coat as required for a safe and natural insect deterrent and a mechanical, completely non-toxic, fast acting insecticide.
Available from www.bigbarn.co.uk
Should you experience a flea infestation the Homoeopathic remedy – Sulphur 30 will soon eradicate them.
Available from www.ainsworths.com
Give one tablet daily by crushing between two teaspoons and tipping the powder onto the dogs’ tongue.
Please do not make your IG suffer by administering potentially harmful flea products.

Note: Those breeders who include in their Puppy adverts that their IG’s have been "de-flead" are merely exposing their complete ignorance of the breed, confirming to the world they are breeding for nothing other than financial gain at the expense of the poor Italian Greyhounds welfare - and revealing that they themselves must be battling with fleas!

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